Buying a home is probably the biggest investment you’re likely to make in your life as a private individual. To buy a home, you’re going to need a mortgage, which is a long-term commitment.

There are many things to consider when getting a mortgage, and because it’s such a big decision, you should partner with a reputable and dependable mortgage broker like Nowik Mortgage. Not only do we know how to get you the best rates possible, but we can help you make sure that you don’t make silly mistakes that cost you in the long run.

Here are some things you should know when you’re looking to secure a mortgage:

Your Loyalty Could Cost You

Your bank makes money off your loyalty. They know you’re less likely to shop around for a better deal and that you are more likely to accept whatever they offer you because it’s more convenient. This means that they can get away with higher rates for many of their most loyal customers.

We know where to apply and how to do it. We can help you shop around for the best deals, including other banks, credit unions, trusts and other lenders who all want your business.

Don’t Accept The Posted Rate

Lenders will typically offer posted interest rates first and hope that you’ll accept without question. However, most lenders are willing to negotiate significantly lower rates if it means getting your business.

Negotiating through a mortgage broker is likely to yield the best results since most lenders offer brokers special discount rates because of the volume of business they bring in. Moreover, a broker will know all the lending options available and how best to exploit them.

Don’t Assume You’re Ineligible 

Maybe you’ve been bankrupt or have a poor credit record, and now you’re under the impression that you will never get approved for a mortgage. This is not true. Many lenders specialize in providing mortgages to such individuals. Moreover, there are ways to improve your credit score again and even re-establish your creditworthiness after bankruptcy.

To ensure you get the best possible assistance in securing the best possible mortgage, contact Nowik Mortgage now! We are a mortgage company that cares.

Related Tag: Home Mortgage

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